Tim Heubach: Celebrating First Christmas In Malaysia

Media Selangor FC managed to interview Red Giants' latest defender from Germany, Tim Heubach on his first Christmas celebration in Malaysia. Enjoy!

How do you feel about celebrating Christmas in Malaysia?

I feel very good of course but on days like these, you’ll miss your family more than the other day for sure. However, I feel very good that we have a great community here in Selangor.
They make me feel comfortable and easier about not being with my family. I mean, it would be perfect if they were here, but now I can celebrate Christmas with Coach Karsten and Coach Michael. That's the most important thing, I feel good here. It's a good package to have when celebrating Christmas here in Asia.

Compared to Malaysia, how did you celebrate Christmas last year in the Middle East?

While I played in the Middle East, we didn't have a winter break. We had matches one or two days before Christmas. Sometimes we had to play on the 25th itself so it was not possible to celebrate anything. It was kinda hard to celebrate Christmas over there but so it was still okay for me. 

What's your Christmas plan?

Well, the celebration every year is almost the same; you sit together with the whole family, your friends come together, during these festive times.

So, we're gonna sit together with Coach Michael, Coach Karsten, their whole family, eat something, drink something, talk a lot and spend the day with Christmas feelings - special feelings that you can't explain, but it's there.

Basically, you will feel good by sitting together, talking and having fun, that’s the main part of celebrating Christmas.

What will you miss the most?

Honestly, I think I will miss my family the most. Family is not one small part, but it connects everything together.

We also have this Christmas tradition of going to the church, then the whole family comes together, we eat and then we get all the presents - it’s almost the same every year.

So I have always looked forward to this day since I was a small kid. Nowadays, it's more important to be with your family, especially when everyone is not staying in the same place. On Christmas, everyone comes together and it's a good feeling.

As for the cooking, my wife has cooked the whole night since yesterday, so the Christmas smell is already there in my apartment. I didn't miss the cooking so much (laughed). 

She Googled a lot to find all the ingredients, but almost everything can be found in the nearby grocer. It’s not so difficult to create special Christmas dishes here.

Anything you got to say about your appearance on the Selangor FC Christmas video?

If you want to hear me singing a jolly German Christmas song, we don’t have funny ones (laughed).

We are so serious, there is no space for fun in the songs. So, I tried to make it sound serious but it’s hard to find a German family Christmas song, so I tried to make it serious but of course, in an ironic way. I hope Selangor fans can understand it (laughed).

Your Christmas words for Red Giants fans?

I hope that Selangor fans can enjoy this day, perhaps more than other days, to be with their family, be happy that you’re healthy. Take care of each other. Stay safe, stay healthy.

That’s the most important thing. Always be reminded to be grateful every day, especially in this festive season, and be more thankful when you realize that you have a good life.

Merry Christmas from all of us at Selangor FC!